Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dear Friday...

HEY FRIDAY listen up!

Dear Friday,
Thank goodness you are here; I am so ready to have a relaxing evening filled with face stuffing,movies and perhaps a cuddle sesh.
Dear Justin Bieber,
I do not know for the life of me why I am so madly in love with you but I am. In a big sister kind of way because you being 18 grosses me out. Thanks for Believe it’s been on repeat.

Dear Summer,
Where are you? Do you remember me? I feel like the last time I really saw you was during that heat wave we had back in 2008. Please come for a visit!
oh how I miss you summer....
Dear Big Sister,
I hope you enjoy your break from motherhood; I on the other hand will be waking up waaay too early to take care of your kids, get them to daycare, myself off to work and then back to take care of them. You owe me. You know motherhood does not suit me. Enjoy Vegas without me.
I love you sister but you owe me big.
Dear Harley and Avrey,
I know I am your favorite Aunt and all so you will have no problem being sweet angels for me. Let’s not have a repeat of that one time I watched you guys when your mom decided to abandon you for drunken nights in Vegas. Avrey, that means you go to bed without screaming and crying and I won't have an anxiety attack deal? Oh and Harley don’t boss me, everyone knows I am the boss.

My Harley
My monster mini me
Dear Co-workers,
I really wish you would step up your taste in music, I mean why can’t we just all listen to Bieber all day instead of that soft rock, easy listening station. Instead I have to wait until I am all alone at the end ofthe day, whatever suckers your loss.
I just want to say thanks to you gals for being so real. How refreshing. I like it when what I see is what I get and the fact that you gal's spoke what was on your mind regardless of whether people would like it or agree is my jam. I totally commend you and honestly don’t know how you gals do what you do, I almost feel overwhelmed trying to write a post every few days so hats off to you and btw each of you has always been so sweet and welcoming to a new baby blogger. Def. not blog snobs so thanks gals!

Alright nuggets I am off to enjoy some quality sofa time.Someone get me my redneck wine glass would ya?


  1. Ha....I'm a Belieber too!!! And I'm a mom, too. No shame. :) Happy Friday!

  2. yay :) love this list hun! and adorable blog by the way :) happy friday!

  3. HAH your letter to justin bieber is too funny. found you via the link up and am excited to follow along xo

  4. Thanks Gals! I do love me some Bieber and by that I mean I m going to his concert in October... me=no shame!


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