Howdy all! Today while I was whipping up a fantastic dinner my sweet step mamma Hanah Bananas asked me how redneck I was. First I said well you know like 1/4. I quickly followed that up with "Who am I tryin to kid I am at least 1/2... I love to pee outside, shotgun beers, I have several flannel shirts, I like to shoot guns..." About that time I thought I should just stop talking. BTW that has nothing to do with what this post is about. But it felt like something you guys might like to hear about... Oh you didn't? TOO BAD!
So what is "What I love about Wednesday.."? Well its a compliation of the things that happened that made me smile today! Who doesn't love to hear about things that make people happy? Let me get started!
- I went to Target on my lunch break... why might you ask? For a light bulb. What did I leave with? This sweet little angel!
Gosh he is fat... |
5. My sweet, sweet, sweet nectar rum. Not just any rum but my boy Jerry. MMM.... Oh
6. This delicious din din I whipped up.... Yeah I may or may not have forgotten to take a picture before I ate it.... oops? Still looks pretty divine though right?
Well kids thats it what I love about Wednesday! How bout you what do you love about this fab Wednesday? I dare ya to dive into that one head on!
loves ya my little nuggets!
ps. I just claimed my blog on Bloglovin! EEEK
ps. I just claimed my blog on Bloglovin! EEEK
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